
I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Koç University, İstanbul. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute. Prior to joining Koç University, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collevtive Goods, Bonn, Germany.

I am an applied microeconomist with a focus on political economy and behavioral economics using methods from microeconometrics and experimental economics. My research has been awarded the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions PF Grant and Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye’s (TÜBİTAK) International Fellowship for Early Stage Researchers.

Click here for my CV.

E-mail: mkaba@ku.edu.tr


  1. Female Leadership and Workplace Climate (forthcoming at Management Science)
    (with Sule Alan, Gozde Corekcioglu, Matthias Sutter)

    Working Paper

    - Coverage from: IZA World of Labor

    - Coverage from: VoxEU, CEPR

  2. Social Norms, Political Polarization, and Vaccination Attitudes: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Turkey, European Economic Review, 2024.
    (with Murat Koyuncu, Sebastian Schneider and Matthias Sutter)

  3. Who Buys Vote-buying? How, how much, and at what cost?, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022.

Working Papers

  1. From Elected to Appointed: The Economic Consequences of Local Authoritarian Takeovers
    (with Serkant Adiguzel and Murat Koyuncu)

    Latest version

  2. Class Voting and Economic Policy Preferences: A Machine Learning Approach (Draft in preparation for submission)
    Working Paper

Work in Progress

  1. Local Responses to a Global Crisis: Public Service Delivery in Turkish Municipalities Amidst Migrant Influx (with Serkant Adiguzel and Murat Koyuncu)

  2. Is Seeing Believing? How Public Service Visibility Influences Local Government Spending and Procurement Policies (with Serkant Adiguzel, Asli Cansunar and Murat Koyuncu)

  3. Social Identity and Policy Preferences: Evidence from a Large-scale Survey Experiment in the U.S. (with Matthias Sutter)